The Team
Johan Höjesjö

Professor Johan Höjesjö leads the Salmonid Ecology Group (SEG).
He has been working on behavioural variation, habitat preference and migratory behaviour in salmonids in various contexts for over 20 years. He is also co-chairing the ICES working group WGTRUTTA and is responsible for two in-depth courses; Conservation biology in aquatic environments and the master course Stream Ecology and Fish conservation.
Benedikte Austad

I am the PhD student responsible for the NOBROOK project studying ecosystem effects of the invasive Brook trout in Sweden before and after removal. I have my master’s degree in marine biology and limnology from the University of Oslo.
Madeleine Berry

I am the PhD student responsible for the MAPS project studying migration patterns in juvenile sea trout.
My work involves multiple stream sites across Europe and is in close connection with WGTRUTTA a workgroup within ICES. My previous work also centered around juvenile salmonids, specifically their interactions with hydro-renewable energies.
Mattias Larsson

Part time (50 %) PhD student focusing on interactions between invasive alien species and native species in running fresh water, especially brook trout, signal crayfish, brown trout and grayling. Works part time (50 %) at Swedish angler association as project manager with stream restoration, environmental monitoring and stream mapping.
Magnus Lovén Wallerius

My research interest focus on fish behaviour and ecology.
During my PhD, I studied interspecific interactions between native brown trout and invasive brook trout in Sweden, focusing on behaviour and morphology. I have also studied fish learning and the importance of social and private learning when it comes to angling induced hook avoidance.
Niklas Wengström
I am a PhD student (50%) and I study the interaction between the freshwater pearl mussels Margaritifera margaritifera and their fish host Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout S. trutta, with focus on the impact the mussel larvae have on its host physiology and behavior.
Pernilla Hansson

I studied biology at the University of Gothenburg, finishing my bachelor thesis on the survival of migrating salmon smolt in 2018. I am currently doing my master thesis on the effects on benthic invertebrates as a result of the interaction between brown trout and the invasive brook trout.